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Exposes to the Gtk+ program important functions of OS X's NSApplication class for use by Gtk+ applications running with the quartz Gdk backend and provides addtional functions for integrating a Gtk+ program into the OS X user environment.
Using GtkosxApplication is pretty simple. First, create an instance at startup:
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GtkosxApplication *theApp = g_object_new(GTKOSX_TYPE_APPLICATION, NULL); |
Do this early in your program, shortly after you run
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gtk_init() |
Don't forget to guard it, and all other calls into the library, with
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You don't want your Linux users' builds failing because of this. The application object is a singleton, so you can call g_object_new as often as you like. You'll always get the same pointer back. There's no need to pass it around as an argument. Do note that all of the GtkosxApplication functions take theApp as an argument, even if they don't use it. This seems silly in C, and perhaps it is, but it's needed to make the Python binding logic recognize that they're class methods.
Just having the application object created will get you some
benefits, like having the Quit menu item in the dock menu work. But
you'll obviously want more. So the next place to visit is your main
window code. If you have a simple application, you might be
constructing the menu by hand, but you're more likely to be using
GtkBuilder. In either case, you need to get a pointer to the
menubar. If you're building by hand, you've already got it lying
around because you needed it to add the menus to. With GtkBuilder,
you need to ask the GtkUIManager for a pointer. Once everything is
more-or-less set up on the Gtk+ side, you need only hide the menu
and call gtkosx_application_set_main_menu()
. Here's an example with
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GtkUIManager *mgr = gtk_ui_manager_new(); GtkosxApplication *theApp = g_object_new(GTKOSX_TYPE_APPLICATION, NULL); ... mergeid = gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_file(mgr, "src/testui.xml", &err); ... menubar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget(mgr, "/menubar"); gtk_widget_hide (menubar); gtkosx_application_set_menu_bar(theApp, GTK_MENU_SHELL(menubar)); |
There are a couple of wrinkles, though, if you use
accelerators. First off, there are two event paths for
accelerators: Quartz, where the keystroke is processed by OS X and
the menu item action event is placed on the event queue by OS X, or
Gtk, where the accelerator key event is passed through to Gtk to
recognize. This is controlled by
(you can test the
value with gtkosx_application_use_quartz_accelerators()
), and the
default is to use Quartz handling. This has two advantages:
It works without any extra steps
It changes stock accelerators (like Ctrl-O for open file) to the stock OS X keyEquivalent (Cmd-O in that case).
If you need to use Gtk+ keyboard accelerator handling *and* you're using GtkMenuItems instead of GtkActions, you'll need to connect a special handler as shown in the following example:
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static gboolean can_activate_cb(GtkWidget* widget, guint signal_id, gpointer data) { return gtk_widget_is_sensitive(widget); } ... g_signal_connect(menubar, "can-activate-accel", G_CALLBACK(can_activate_cb), NULL); |
The next task to make your application appear more normal for Mac users is to move some menu items from their normal Gtk locations to the so-called "App" menu. That's the menu all the way at the left of the menubar that has the currently-running application's name. There are 3 menu items that normally go there:
File|Quit is a special case, because OS X handles it itself and automatically includes it, so the only thing you need do is hide it on the File menu so that it doesn't show up twice:
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gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(file_quit_menu_item)); |
The other two must be moved in code, and there are two functions for doing that. The first one creates "goups", which is just an easy way to manage separators, and the second adds the actual menu items to the groups. Here's an example:
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GtkosxApplicationMenuGroup *group; GtkMenuItem *about_item, *preferences_item; about_item = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget(mgr, "/menubar/Help/About"); preferences_item = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget(mgr, "/menubar/Edit/Preferences"); group = gtkosx_application_add_app_menu_group (theApp); gtkosx_application_add_app_menu_item (theApp, group, GTK_MENU_ITEM (about_item)); group = gtkosx_application_add_app_menu_group (theApp); gtkosx_application_add_app_menu_item (theApp, group, GTK_MENU_ITEM (preferences_item)); |
Once we have everything set up for as many windows as we're going
to open before we call gtk_main_loop()
, we need to tell OS X that
we're ready:
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gtkosx_application_ready(theApp); |
If you add other windows later, you must do everything above for each one's menubar. Most of the time the internal notifictations will ensure that the GtkosxApplication is able to keep everything in sync. However, if you at any time disconnect or block signals and change the menu (perhaps because of a context change within a window, as with changing pages in a GtkNotebook) you need to call
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gtkosx_application_sync_menubar(theApp) |
N.B.: One GtkMenu function, gtk_menu_reorder_child()
, changes the
menu appearance without emitting a signal, so if you use that
function in your code you'll need to call
The dock is that bar of icons that normally lives at the bottom of the display on a Mac (though it can be moved to one of the other sides; this author likes his on the left, which is where it was originally on a NeXT). Each running application has a "dock tile", an icon on the dock. Users can, if they like, add application (or document) icons to the dock, and those can be used to launch the application. Apple allows limited customization of the dock tile, and GtkosxApplication has an interface for adding to the dock's menu and for changing the icon that is displayed for the the application. GtkosxApplication also provides an interface to AttentionRequest, which bounces the dock tile if the application doesn't have focus. You might want to do that at the end of a long task so that the user will know that it's finished if she's switched to another application while she waits for yours. They're all pretty simple, so you can just read the details below.
The last feature to which GtkosxApplication provides an interface is the bundle. Normally in OS X, graphical applications are packaged along with their non-standard dependencies and their resources (graphical elements, translations, and such) in special directory structures called "bundles". To easily package your Gtk+ application, have a look at gtk-mac-bundler, also available from the Gtk-OSX project.
OS X provides a variety of functions pertaining to bundles, most of which are not likely to interest someone porting a Gtk+ application. GtkosxApplication has wrapped a few that might be:
The first three just get a UTF8-encoded path. An interesting note
is that they'll return the path to the executable or the folder
it's in regardless of whether it's actually in a bundle. To find
out if one is actually dealing with a bundle,
will return "" if it can't find
the key CFBundleIdentifier
from the bundle's Info.plist -- which it
won't if the application isn't in a bundle or wasn't launched by
opening the bundle. (In other words, even if you have your
application installed in, if you launch it from the command
line as
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$ |
the Info.plist won't have been opened and
will return "". Of course, it
will also return "" if you didn't set CFBundleIdentifier
in the
Info.plist, so make sure that you do!
The last function, gtkosx_application_get_bundle_info()
, will
return the value associated with an arbitrary key from Info.plist
as long as that value is a string. If it isn't, then the function
returns a null string ("").
Finally, notice the signals. These are emitted in response to the
indicated OS X notifications. Except for
“NSApplicationBlockTermination”, most programs
won't need to do anything with
them. “NSApplicationBlockTermination” is telling
you that OS X is planning to shut down your program. If you have any
cleanup to do (like saving open files), or if you want to ask the
user if it's OK, you should connect to the signal and do your
cleanup. Your handler can return TRUE
to prevent the application
from quitting.
gtkosx_application_ready (GtkosxApplication *self
Inform Cocoa that application initialization is complete.
void gtkosx_application_set_use_quartz_accelerators (GtkosxApplication *self
,gboolean use_quartz_accelerators
Set quartz accelerator handling; TRUE (default) uses quartz; FALSE uses Gtk+. Quartz accelerator handling is required for normal OS X accelerators (e.g., command-q to quit) to work.
(GtkosxApplication *self
Are we using Quartz or Gtk+ accelerator handling?
void gtkosx_application_set_menu_bar (GtkosxApplication *self
,GtkMenuShell *menu_shell
Set a window's menubar as the application menu bar. Call this once for each window as you create them. It works best if the menubar is reasonably fully populated before you call it. Once set, it will stay syncronized through signals as long as you don't disconnect or block them.
gtkosx_application_sync_menubar (GtkosxApplication *self
Syncronize the active window's GtkMenuBar with the OSX menu bar. You should only need this if you have programmatically changed the menus with signals blocked or disconnected.
void gtkosx_application_insert_app_menu_item (GtkosxApplication *self
,GtkWidget *menu_item
,gint index
Certain menu items (About, Check for updates, and Preferences in particular) are normally found in the so-called Application menu (the first one on the menubar, named after the application) in OSX applications. This function will create a menu entry for such a menu item, removing it from its original menu in the Gtk application.
Any items inserted at index zero will have the app name appended; this is intended for the "About" menu item, so that it says "About Foo" like most Mac programs, without having to worry too much about how "About" is spelled/translated.
To group your menu items, insert GtkSeparatorMenuItem*s where you want them.
Don't use it for Quit! A Quit menu item is created automatically along with the Application menu. Just hide your Gtk Quit menu item.
void gtkosx_application_set_window_menu (GtkosxApplication *self
,GtkMenuItem *menu_item
Sets a designated menu item already on the menu bar as the Window
menu. This is the menu which contains a list of open windows for
the application; by default it also provides menu items to minimize
and zoom the current window and to bring all windows to the
front. Call this after gtk_osx_application_set_menu_bar()
. It
operates on the currently active menubar. If nenu_item
is NULL, it
will create a new menu for you, which will not be gettext translatable.
void gtkosx_application_set_help_menu (GtkosxApplication *self
,GtkMenuItem *menu_item
Sets a designated menu item already on the menu bar as the Help
menu. Call this after gtk_osx_application_set_menu_bar()
, but
before gtk_osx_application_window_menu()
, especially if you're
letting GtkosxApplication create a Window menu for you (it helps
position the Window menu correctly). It operates on the currently
active menubar. If nenu_item
, it will create a new menu
for you, which will not be gettext translatable.
void gtkosx_application_set_dock_menu (GtkosxApplication *self
,GtkMenuShell *menu_shell
Set a GtkMenu as the dock menu.
This menu does not have a "sync" function, so changes made while signals are disconnected will not update the menu which appears in the dock, and may produce strange results or crashes if a GtkMenuItem or GtkAction associated with a dock menu item is deallocated.
void gtkosx_application_set_dock_icon_pixbuf (GtkosxApplication *self
,GdkPixbuf *pixbuf
Set the dock icon from a GdkPixbuf
void gtkosx_application_set_dock_icon_resource (GtkosxApplication *self
,const gchar *name
,const gchar *type
,const gchar *subdir
Set the dock icon from an image file in the bundle/
gint gtkosx_application_attention_request (GtkosxApplication *self
,GtkosxApplicationAttentionType type
Create an attention request. If type is CRITICAL_REQUEST, the dock icon will bounce until cancelled the application receives focus; otherwise it will bounce for 1 second -- but the attention request will remain asserted until cancelled or the application receives focus. This function has no effect if the application has focus.
void gtkosx_application_cancel_attention_request (GtkosxApplication *self
,gint id
Cancel an attention request created with gtkosx_application_attention_request.
gchar *
gtkosx_application_get_bundle_path (void
Return the root path of the bundle or the directory containing the executable if it isn't actually a bundle.
gchar *
gtkosx_application_get_resource_path (void
Return the Resource path for the bundle or the directory containing the
executable if it isn't actually a bundle. Use gtkosx_application_get_bundle_id()
to check (it will return NULL
if it's not a bundle).
gchar *
Return the executable path, including file name
gchar *
gtkosx_application_get_bundle_id (void
Return the value of the CFBundleIdentifier key from the bundle's Info.plist
This will return NULL if it's not really a bundle, there's no Info.plist, or if Info.plist doesn't have a CFBundleIdentifier key (So if you need to detect being in a bundle, make sure that your bundle has that key!)
signalgboolean user_function (GtkosxApplication *app, gpointer user_data)
Emitted by the Application Delegate when the application reeeives an NSApplicationShouldTerminate notification. Perform any cleanup you need to do (e.g., saving files) before exiting. Returning FALSE will allow further handlers to run and if none return TRUE, the application to shut down. Returning TRUE will veto shutdown and stop emission, so later handlers will not run.
app |
The application object |
user_data |
Data appended at connection |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Action
signalvoid user_function (GtkosxApplication *app, gpointer user_data)
Emitted by the Application Delegate when the application receives an NSApplicationDidBecomeActive notification. Connect a handler if there is anything you need to do when the application is activated.
app |
The application object user_data: Data appended at connection |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Action
signalgboolean user_function (GtkosxApplication *app, gchar *path, gpointer user_data)
Emitted when a OpenFile, OpenFiles, or OpenEmptyFile event is received from the operating system. This signal does not implement drops, but it does implement "open with" events from Finder. An OpenEmptyFile is received at launch in Python applications.
app |
The application object |
path |
A UTF8-encoded file path to open. |
user_data |
Data attached at connection |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Action
signalvoid user_function (GtkosxApplication *app, gpointer user_data)
This signal is emitted by the Application Delegate when the application receives an NSApplicationWillResignActive notification. Connect a handler to it if there's anything your application needs to do to prepare for inactivity.
app |
The application object |
user_data |
Data appended at connection |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Action
signalvoid user_function (GtkosxApplication *app, gpointer user_data)
Emitted by the Application Delegate when the application reeeives
an NSApplicationSWillTerminate notification. Connect your final
shutdown routine (the one that calls gtk_main_quit()
app |
The application object |
user_data |
Data appended at connection |
user_data |
user data set when the signal handler was connected. |
Flags: Action